array 发表于 2011-4-12 13:17:12

《OpenSceneGraph Cookbook》计划写作目录

新书《OpenSceneGraph Cookbook》即将纳入写作日程,本书依然由Packt Publishing约稿和出版。预计明年初全球发行。本书的内容将是:针对OSG开发的方方面面的100个例子!

1, Prepare development tools, CUSTOMZING OPENSCENEGRAPH, Simple2, Check out the latest version, CUSTOMZING OPENSCENEGRAPH, Simple3, Configure CMake options, CUSTOMZING OPENSCENEGRAPH, Intermediate4, Build common plug-ins and examples, CUSTOMZING OPENSCENEGRAPH, Intermediate5, Compile and use OSG on different platforms, CUSTOMZING OPENSCENEGRAPH, Intermediate6, Compile and use OSG on mobile devices, CUSTOMZING OPENSCENEGRAPH, Advanced7, Compile and use dynamic and static libraries, CUSTOMZING OPENSCENEGRAPH,Advanced8, Create your project using CMake, CUSTOMZING OPENSCENEGRAPH, Wow9, Build and run a simple program, CUSTOMZING OPENSCENEGRAPH, Intermediate 10, Use smart and observer pointers, DESIGNING THE SCENE GRAPH, Simple11, Share and clone nodes, DESIGNING THE SCENE GRAPH, Simple12, Compute the bounding box of any node, DESIGNING THE SCENE GRAPH, Intermediate13, Compute coordinates in any reference frame, DESIGNING THE SCENE GRAPH,Intermediate14, Use draw callbacks to execute OpenGL calls, DESIGNING THE SCENE GRAPH,Intermediate15, Design a breadth-first node visitor, DESIGNING THE SCENE GRAPH, Advanced16, Implement a background image node, DESIGNING THE SCENE GRAPH, Advanced17, Make your node always face to screen, DESIGNING THE SCENE GRAPH, Intermediate18, Implement a compass node, DESIGNING THE SCENE GRAPH, Advanced19, Render a model in 'solid + wireframe' mode, DESIGNING THE SCENE GRAPH,Advanced20, Design a new culling algorithm for specified nodes, DESIGNING THE SCENEGRAPH, Wow 21, Draw a polygon with borderlines, EDITING GEOMETRY MODELS, Simple22, Display model information texts, EDITING GEOMETRY MODELS, Simple23, Extrude a 2D shape to 3D, EDITING GEOMETRY MODELS, Intermediate24, Extrude a 2D shape in shaders, EDITING GEOMETRY MODELS, Advanced25, Draw a dynamic clock on the screen, EDITING GEOMETRY MODELS, Intermediate26, Draw a ribbon following the mouse cursor, EDITING GEOMETRY MODELS,Advanced27, Design simple 3D buttons, EDITING GEOMETRY MODELS, Advanced28, Select a model and display the geometry structure, EDITING GEOMETRYMODELS, Intermediate29, Select a triangle face of the model, EDITING GEOMETRY MODELS, Advanced30, Select a point of the model and highlight it, EDITING GEOMETRY MODELS, Wow 31, Enable anti-aliasing, MANIPULATING THE VIEW, Simple32, Implement a bird's eye view, MANIPULATING THE VIEW, Intermediate33, Display the top, front and side views of a model, MANIPULATING THE VIEW,Advanced34, Use slave cameras to simulate a power-wall, MANIPULATING THE VIEW, Intermediate35, Setup views on multiple screens, MANIPULATING THE VIEW, Intermediate36, Project your scene to a dome, MANIPULATING THE VIEW, Advanced37, Obtain and change the view matrix in callbacks, MANIPULATINGTHE VIEW, Simple38, Design a jump-to-anywhere manipulator, MANIPULATING THE VIEW, Intermediate39, Manipulate the camera with joysticks, MANIPULATING THE VIEW, Wow 40, Open and close the door, ANIMATING EVERYTHING,Simple41, Play a movie in 3D world, ANIMATING EVERYTHING,Simple42. Design a 'scrolling text' screensaver, ANIMATINGEVERYTHING, Intermediate43, Fade-in and fade-out according to the LOD, ANIMATINGEVERYTHING, Intermediate44, Animate a flight with smoke trail, ANIMATINGEVERYTHING, Intermediate45, Simulate day and night in shaders, ANIMATINGEVERYTHING, Advanced46, Create a simple racing game, ANIMATING EVERYTHING,Advanced47, Build a skeleton system, ANIMATING EVERYTHING, Intermediate48, Skin a customized mesh, ANIMATING EVERYTHING, Advanced49, Create and use complex characters, ANIMATINGEVERYTHING, Advanced50, Let the physics engine be, ANIMATING EVERYTHING, Wow 51, Simulate the rain, CREATING CREATIVE EFFECTS, Simple52, Simulate the light bulb, CREATING CREATIVEEFFECTS, Intermediate53, Design a skybox, CREATING CREATIVE EFFECTS, Intermediate54, Design a mirror reflecting scene objects, CREATINGCREATIVE EFFECTS, Intermediate55, Create simple water effect, CREATING CREATIVEEFFECTS, Advanced56, Create a simple cloud cluster, CREATING CREATIVEEFFECTS, Advanced57, Define a customized state attribute, CREATINGCREATIVE EFFECTS, Intermediate58, Show the depth buffer as a gray map, CREATINGCREATIVE EFFECTS, Intermediate59, Implement the night-vision effect, CREATINGCREATIVE EFFECTS, Advanced60, Implement the depth-of-field effect, CREATINGCREATIVE EFFECTS, Wow 61, Download raster and elevation data, VISUALIZINGTHE WORLD, Simple62, Configure and build VirtualPlanetBuilder, VISUALIZINGTHE WORLD, Intermediate63, Generate terrain database for rendering, VISUALIZINGTHE WORLD, Intermediate64, Patch existing terrain database with newer data, VISUALIZINGTHE WORLD, Intermediate65, Resume a terrain build process, VISUALIZING THEWORLD, Intermediate66, Generate terrain database in geocentriccoordinates, VISUALIZING THE WORLD, Intermediate67, Create the atmosphere around the earth, VISUALIZINGTHE WORLD, Advanced68, Handle the problems of near and far planes, VISUALIZINGTHE WORLD, Advanced69, Load the terrain database from Internet, VISUALIZINGTHE WORLD, Simple70, Use GPU to render terrain data , VISUALIZING THEWORLD, Wow 71, Merge multiple geometries, MANAGING MASS DATA, Intermediate72, Optmize and compress texture data, MANAGING MASSDATA, Intermediate73, Share specified objects while loading files, MANAGINGMASS DATA, Intermediate74, Use occlusion query to cull objects, MANAGINGMASS DATA, Advanced75, Create the forest, MANAGING MASS DATA, Intermediate76, Use the draw instanced technique, MANAGING MASSDATA, Advanced77, Load models in a separate thread, MANAGING MASSDATA, Advanced78, Configure the database pager, MANAGING MASS DATA,Simple79, Use spatial index methods to manage models, MANAGINGMASS DATA, Wow80, Intersect with large scale of models, MANAGINGMASS DATA, Intermediate 81, Understand the rendering window creation process,INTEGRATING WITH GUI, Simple82, Integrate with MFC windows, INTEGRATING WITH GUI,Intermediate83, Integrate with X11 windows, INTEGRATING WITH GUI,Intermediate84, Integrate with Qt widgets, INTEGRATING WITH GUI,Intermediate85, Embed Qt widgets into 3D scene, INTEGRATING WITH GUI,Advanced86, Embed CEGUI elements into 3D scene, INTEGRATINGWITH GUI, Advanced87, Embed 3D scene into the browser, INTEGRATING WITHGUI, Advanced88, Start the rendering loop in a separate thread, INTEGRATINGWITH GUI, Intermediate89, Handle scene graph in GUI events, INTEGRATINGWITH GUI, Advanced90, Use command buffer to interact between GUI andthe 3D scene, INTEGRATING WITH GUI, Wow 91, Read from data stream and record the progress, MISCELLANEOUSDISCUSSION IN DEPTH, Intermediate92, Use pseudo-loaders to implement specicalfunctionalities, MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION IN DEPTH, Intermediate93, Design own file format with serializers andcompressors, MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION IN DEPTH, Advanced94, Collect the scene statistics, MISCELLANEOUSDISCUSSION IN DEPTH, Intermediate95, Play with the Delaunay triangulator, MISCELLANEOUSDISCUSSION IN DEPTH, Intermediate96, Render to multiple targets simultaneously, MISCELLANEOUSDISCUSSION IN DEPTH, Advanced97, Implement order-independent transparent of models,MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION IN DEPTH, Advanced98, Implement volume rendering for scientificvisualization, MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION IN DEPTH, Wow99, Take a photo of the scene, MISCELLANEOUSDISCUSSION IN DEPTH, Advanced100, Use OSG applications in other languages, MISCELLANEOUSDISCUSSION IN DEPTH, Wow

CWorld 发表于 2011-4-12 18:05:57


garyliyong 发表于 2011-4-12 20:40:38

我也提提吧 希望能做个像autocad或3dmax类似的多视图,多视口的例子,动态高亮

garyliyong 发表于 2011-4-12 20:50:34


array 发表于 2011-4-13 13:25:02

garyliyong提到的两个例子都已经有了,此外分类也是有的,诸如MANAGINGMASS DATA这样的就是每章的标题


OSG论坛管理员 发表于 2011-4-13 15:15:48


garyliyong 发表于 2011-4-16 10:55:58


tianxiao888 发表于 2011-4-18 09:09:58


array 发表于 2011-4-19 08:14:30

回复 7# garyliyong

写作是需要出版社支持的,当出版社约稿时,我会很乐意承担相应的写作工作,即使利益微薄,也可以借此为开发者提供可见的便利,以及为自己的履历做出积累(比如职称评定等等)。目前没有国内出版社支持我继续出版OSG相关的图书,因此我也无暇考虑这方面的计划,而是优先满足国外出版社和读者的需求 :)

tianxiao888 发表于 2011-4-19 13:53:32


CWorld 发表于 2011-4-19 14:10:39

本帖最后由 CWorld 于 2011-4-19 14:12 编辑

回复 5# array

很高兴看见array的回帖,不过这个问题我最近也想了想,打算放弃这个需求。   我来描述下这个需求的原因吧,这是源于我看的西电的几篇论文,其中都是使用OGRE做的红外成像仿真的例子,但是我自己知道OGRE作为实验是比较合适的,但是成熟开发应用还缺少很多模块,不过没看到国内OSG做红外成像仿真研究的例子,不过我知道国外是有的。


array 发表于 2011-4-19 17:00:07


CWorld 发表于 2011-4-20 15:58:22

回复 12# array


wangjunchao 发表于 2011-5-5 19:39:20


heye 发表于 2011-5-5 22:53:25


array 发表于 2011-5-6 08:28:35


garyliyong 发表于 2011-5-6 13:53:55


wangjunchao 发表于 2011-5-7 09:45:02


oman 发表于 2011-5-8 11:48:31

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