2>------ Build started: Project: osgQt, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
2>Build started 2014/1/27 21:06:43.
2> Touching "osgQt.dir\Debug\osgQt.unsuccessfulbuild".
2> Building Custom Rule D:/OpenSource/OSG/OpenSceneGraph-3.2.0/src/osgQt/CMakeLists.txt
2> CMake does not need to re-run because D:\OpenSource\OSG\OpenSceneGraph-3.2.0\build\src\osgQt\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
2> Generating __/__/include/osgQt/moc_QGraphicsViewAdapter.cpp
2> moc: Too many input files specified
2> Usage: D:\OpenSource\qt\qt5.2.0\5.2.0\msvc2012_64\bin\moc.exe [options] [header-file] [@option-file]
2> Qt Meta Object Compiler version 67 (Qt 5.2.0)
2> Options:
2> -?, -h, --help Displays this help.
2> -v, --version Displays version information.
2> -o <file> Write output to file rather than stdout.
2> -I <dir> Add dir to the include path for header files.
2> -F <framework> Add Mac framework to the include path for header fil
2> es.
2> -E Preprocess only; do not generate meta object code.
2> -D <macro[=def]> Define macro, with optional definition.
2> -U <macro> Undefine macro.
2> -M <key=value> Add key/value pair to plugin meta data
2> -i Do not generate an #include statement.
2> -p <path> Path prefix for included file.
2> -f <file> Force #include [optional <file>] (overwrite default)
2> .
2> -b <file> Prepend #include <file> (preserve default include).
2> -n <which> Do not display notes (-nn) or warnings (-nw). Compat
2> ibility option.
2> --no-notes Do not display notes.
2> --no-warnings Do not display warnings (implies --no-notes).
2> --ignore-option-clashes Ignore all options that conflict with compilers, lik
2> e -pthread conflicting with moc's -p option.
2> Arguments:
2> [header-file] Header file to read from, otherwise stdin.
2> [@option-file] Read additional options from option-file.
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(172,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 1.
请问有人遇到过这个情况么? |