TA的每日心情![](source/plugin/dsu_paulsign/img/emot/kx.gif) | 开心 2020-3-20 17:50 |
签到天数: 1 天 [LV.1]初来乍到
osgearth2.8 osg3.4
#include <osgViewer/Viewer>
#include <osgDB/FileNameUtils>
#include <osgEarthUtil/EarthManipulator>
#include <osgEarthUtil/ExampleResources>
#include <osgEarthUtil/Controls>
#include <osgEarthTriton/TritonNode>
#define LC "[osgearth_sundog] "
using namespace osgEarth;
using namespace osgEarth::Util;
using namespace osgEarth::Triton;
namespace ui = osgEarth::Util::Controls;
struct Settings
TritonNode* triton;
optional<double> chop;
optional<double> seaState;
optional<float> alpha;
void apply(Environment& env, Ocean& ocean)
if (chop.isSet())
if (seaState.isSet())
env.SimulateSeaState(seaState.get(), 0.0);
if (alpha.isSet())
triton->setAlpha( alpha.get() );
Settings s_settings;
template<typename T> struct Set : public ui::ControlEventHandler
optional<T>& _var;
Set(optional<T>& var) : _var(var) { }
void onValueChanged(ui::Control*, double value) { _var = value; }
Container* createUI()
VBox* box = new VBox();
Grid* grid = box->addControl(new Grid());
int r=0;
grid->setControl(0, r, new LabelControl("Chop"));
grid->setControl(1, r, new HSliderControl(0, 3, 0, new Set<double>(s_settings.chop)));
grid->setControl(0, r, new LabelControl("Sea State"));
grid->setControl(1, r, new HSliderControl(0, 12, 5, new Set<double>(s_settings.seaState)));
grid->setControl(0, r, new LabelControl("Alpha"));
grid->setControl(1, r, new HSliderControl(0, 1.0, 1.0, new Set<float>(s_settings.alpha)));
grid->getControl(1, r-1)->setHorizFill(true,200);
return box;
class TritonCallback : public osgEarth::Triton::Callback
void onInitialize(Environment& env, Ocean& ocean)
void onDrawOcean(Environment& env, Ocean& ocean)
s_settings.apply(env, ocean);
usage(const char* name)
<< "\nUsage: " << name << " file.earth" << std::endl
<< osgEarth::Util::MapNodeHelper().usage() << std::endl;
return 0;
main(int argc, char** argv)
osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);
// help?
if ( arguments.read("--help") )
return usage(argv[0]);
// create a viewer:
osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);
// Tell the database pager to not modify the unref settings
viewer.getDatabasePager()->setUnrefImageDataAfterApplyPolicy( false, false );
// install our default manipulator (do this before calling load)
viewer.setCameraManipulator( new osgEarth::Util::EarthManipulator() );
// load an earth file, and support all or our example command-line options
// and earth file <external> tags
osg::Group* node = osgEarth::Util::MapNodeHelper().load(arguments, &viewer, createUI());
if ( node )
viewer.setSceneData( node );
MapNode* mapNode = MapNode::findMapNode( node );
// Create TritonNode from TritonOptions
osgEarth::Triton::TritonOptions tritonOptions;
tritonOptions.user() = "my_user_name";
tritonOptions.licenseCode() = "my_license_code";
tritonOptions.maxAltitude() = 10000; |