TA的每日心情 | 开心 2020-3-20 17:50 |
签到天数: 1 天 [LV.1]初来乍到
osgearth2.10.1版本支持3dtiles瓦片 但可惜支持在线ION格式。
参照url: '.../tileset.json',的写法改写驱动
using namespace osgEarth;
using namespace osgEarth:rivers;
#define LC "[CesiumIon driver] "
class CesiumIonSource : public TileSource
CesiumIonSource(const TileSourceOptions& options) :
Status initialize(const osgDB::Options* dbOptions)
_dbOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions(dbOptions);
if (_options.assetId().value().empty())
return Status::Error(Status::ConfigurationError, "Fail: driver requires a valid \"asset_id\" property");
if (_options.token().value().empty())
return Status::Error(Status::ConfigurationError, "Fail: driver requires a valid \"token\" property");
std::stringstream buf;
buf << _options.server()->full();
if (!endsWith(_options.server()->full(), "/")) buf << "/";
buf << "v1/assets/" << *_options.assetId() << "/endpoint?access_token=" << *_options.token();
URI endpoint(buf.str());
OE_DEBUG << "Getting endpoint " << endpoint.full() << std::endl;
ReadResult r = URI(endpoint).readString(_dbOptions.get());
if (r.failed())
return Status::Error(Status::ConfigurationError, "Failed to get metadata from asset endpoint");
Json::Value doc;
Json::Reader reader;
if (!reader.parse(r.getString(), doc))
return Status::Error(Status::ConfigurationError, "Failed to parse metadata from asset endpoint");
_resourceUrl = doc["url"].asString();
_resourceToken = doc["accessToken"].asString();
// Configure the accept header
std::stringstream buf2;
buf2 << "*/*;access_token=" << _resourceToken;
_acceptHeader = buf2.str();
return STATUS_OK;
osg::Image* createImage(const TileKey& key,
ProgressCallback* progress )
unsigned x, y;
key.getTileXY( x, y );
// Invert the y value
unsigned cols=0, rows=0;
key.getProfile()->getNumTiles( key.getLevelOfDetail(), cols, rows );
y = rows - y - 1;
std::string location = _resourceUrl;
std::stringstream buf;
buf << location;
if (!endsWith(location, "/")) buf << "/";
buf << key.getLevelOfDetail() << "/" << x << "/" << y << "." << *_options.format();
URIContext context = _options.server()->context();
context.addHeader("accept", _acceptHeader);
URI uri(buf.str(), context);
return uri.getImage(_dbOptions.get(), progress);
virtual std::string getExtension() const
return *_options.format();
const CesiumIonOptions _options;
osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> _dbOptions;
std::string _acceptHeader;
std::string _resourceToken;
std::string _resourceUrl;
class CesiumIonTileSourceDriver : public TileSourceDriver
supportsExtension( "osgearth_cesiumion", "CesiumIon Driver" );
virtual const char* className() const
return "CesiumIon Driver";
virtual ReadResult readObject(const std::string& file_name, const Options* options) const
if ( !acceptsExtension(osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension( file_name )))
return ReadResult::FILE_NOT_HANDLED;
return new CesiumIonSource( getTileSourceOptions(options) );
REGISTER_OSGPLUGIN(osgearth_cesiumion, CesiumIonTileSourceDriver) |