typedef struct {
long flags; /* marks which fields in this structure are defined */
int x, y; /* Obsolete */
int width, height; /* Obsolete */
int min_width, min_height;
int max_width, max_height;
int width_inc, height_inc;
struct {
int x; /* numerator */
int y; /* denominator */
} min_aspect, max_aspect;
int base_width, base_height;
int win_gravity;
/* this structure may be extended in the future */
} XSizeHints;
The x, y, width, and height members are now obsolete and are left solely for compatibility reasons. The min_width
and min_height members specify the minimum window size that still allows the application to be useful. The
max_width and max_height members specify the maximum window size. The width_inc and height_inc members define an
arithmetic progression of sizes (minimum to maximum) into which the window prefers to be resized. The min_aspect
and max_aspect members are expressed as ratios of x and y, and they allow an application to specify the range of
aspect ratios it prefers. The base_width and base_height members define the desired size of the window. The win‐
dow manager will interpret the position of the window and its border width to position the point of the outer rec‐
tangle of the overall window specified by the win_gravity member. The outer rectangle of the window includes any
borders or decorations supplied by the window manager. In other words, if the window manager decides to place the
window where the client asked, the position on the parent window's border named by the win_gravity will be placed
where the client window would have been placed in the absence of a window manager.
Note that use of the PAllHints macro is highly discouraged.
求上面英文的完整翻译,我水平太次。。使用各种翻译工具,感觉还是搞不明白。。 |